AMSA students became teachers this spring… instructing AMSA 7th graders about the brain and central nervous system!
The lessons were the culmination of the third year of AMSA’s capstone project with Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, a Marlborough company that develops medicines for central nervous system disorders.
The students met with Sunovion scientists several times during the school year to develop a lesson plan that complemented AMSA’s 7th grade biology curriculum. Then they taught the lessons in several different classrooms throughout the spring utilizing both face-to-face instruction and distance learning.
This unique collaboration gives AMSA students the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge about neuroscience while learning about life science career paths within a pharmaceutical company.
This year’s student participants were:
Seniors: Melvin He, Maya Joniaux, Lucy McCabe, Jewels Pauly, Allison Silva
Juniors: Audrey Clayton, Annika Gabrielle Jadormio
Dr. Joray, AMSA Science Dept. Chair, and Mr. Vital, AMSA Community Outreach Mgr., selected the students based on resumes, cover letters, and interviews.